第34屆國際電影節將會放映三套重新修復的經典電影: 《大都會》 (Metropolis), 《紅菱艷》 (The Red Shoes) 及去年已播映的費穆《孔夫子》. 據官方形容, 電影資料館已將《孔夫子》的零碎片段接回影片裡頭.
The 34th HKIFF is proud to present some of the world's most important restored classics: Metropolis, The Red Shoes and Confucius.
Audiences at this year’s HKIFF will be the first in Asia to see Fritz Lang’s science fiction masterpiece Metropolis in its original form. The silent film premiere will mark one of the most important discoveries in cinematic history of all times - 83 years after the original version had its world premiere in Berlin. Due to the sensational discovery of a 16-mm negative in Buenos Aires in 2008 and its current restoration, Metropolis can now be seen in its - more than 30 minutes longer – original version. For the first time, the original score by Lang’s close collaborator, Gottfried Huppertz, will be performed live by the Hong Kong Sinfonietta under the direction of world famous conductor, Frank Strobel.
“The movie that plays in my heart," Martin Scorsese
Often cited as one of the greatest British films ever made, The Red Shoes will be screened at the 34th HKIFF after 35 years of restoration overseen by Martin Scorsese. The Red Shoes inspired many film-makers including Francis Ford Coppola and Steven Spielberg. In Coppola’s latest work Tetro, also screened at the 34th HKIFF, a character proclaims that The Red Shoes is a film you have to see before you die. Directed by Michael Powell, the 1948 film, The Red Shoes, is visually one of the most innovative and beautiful works of cinema ever created.
另外, 日本導演回顧環節捲土重來─松竹名匠島津保次郎. 島津保次郎是松竹早期著名導演, 開創新寫實風格見稱的庶民劇. 名導如五所平之所、成瀨已喜男、小津安二郎、木下惠介等, 都分別受過島津的提拔和影響. 兩年前, 夏日國際電影節便選映過島津的《淺草之燈》. 據知國際電影節會選映《上陸第一步》、《鄰家的八重妹》、《春琴抄 阿琴與佐助》、《婚約三羽烏》、《隨愛而去》五套作品 (一說六套). 但回顧展似乎沒有包括島津另一套代表作《兄與妹》. (謝謝Garrick提供消息)
鄰家的八重妹 (隣の八重ちゃん, 1933)
印度電影方面亦有好消息! 電影節將會選映有『印度Orson Welles』之稱、創Bollywood寫實先河的Guru Dutt 其四套作品. 相信Guru Dutt的代表作《詩人悲歌》 (Pyassa, 1957) 及《紙花》(Kaagaz Ke Phool, 1959) 定必在榜上之列. (有關Guru Dutt的介紹)